Losing The Career They Dedicated Their Life To – When Your Spouse Comes Home From The Sea
A lifelong career as a merchant marine can be a rewarding profession. Theyenjoy the freedom of working at sea, getting to see new areas of the world, meeting new people, and being paid well for their efforts. But, what happens when you or your loved one are no longer able to continue on this lucrative career path because of an accident that was perhaps beyond your control?
Coping With The Loss
As with any career, losing your position or job completely can be devastating on your psyche and your income. People often feel angry and sad; they blame themselves or others for the situation. As the partner of someone who has lost a career that he or she was passionate about, you can offer support in several ways:
1. Be patient. Understand that your loved one is in distress and give them time to deal with that emotion. Any life-changing event, such as a job loss, is similar to experiencing a death in the family. You need time to process everything and come to terms with it on your own.
2. Be empathetic. While your loved one deals with the pain of losing a job, especially if it was a result of an accident, try to put yourself in their shoes. Instead of being the voice of reason or logic, let your partner know you understand how they feel. Empathy will go a long way in helping your loved one recover from this loss both psychologically and physically (if they were injured, for example).
3. Be supportive. Help in any way you can to ease the pain of the loss of your partner’s career. If they were the major breadwinner in the relationship, they’re most likely feeling stressed about no longer being able to provide financially. Let them know that you are there to help through this transition – even if it means cutting back on a few extraneous expenses until your partner embarks on their next career path.
Discuss Other Options
Even though your loved one may have dedicated their life to a career in the maritime industry, help them explore other career options – especially if they are no longer able to work as a result of a physical disability from an accident on the job. Once they recover physically, if your partner is still able to work, what are their other skills? What job have they always thought about if they didn’t have a maritime career? Explore options that include hobbies and interests. Perhaps one of them can become the next career.
Can You Get Financial Compensation?
In some cases, depending on the circumstance of the accident, if your loved one was the victim in a crash and suffered injuries that have forced them to give up their lifelong career, you may be entitled to financial compensation or workers’ compensation to help you through this difficult time. You can watch this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mB6iCsBsdY, for more information and learn how to contact an experienced maritime attorney to review your case. An experienced lawyer will be able to determine whether or not you are eligible for financial compensation that may help you pay medical expenses and even cover lost wages while your loved one is out of work. Receiving financial assistance at this difficult, emotional time in your lives as a couple can certainly ease the burden of money-related stresses so you can focus on recovering physically and emotionally.
You Are In This Together
When a situation such as a job loss occurs, for whatever reason, let your partner know you are in this together. For the sake of your relationship, try not to place blame, and focus on recovering together. You are in it for better or worse. Know that you can make it through together and become stronger as a result.
Nadine Swayne understands the importance of uplifting a loved one after a traumatic accident that affects the family. By researching online, she found this valuable information and contact video to help others.
Photo credit: https://flic.kr/p/9vUGAm
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